Mae’r wefan hon (ASDinfoWales gynt) yn cael ei redeg gan ac yn perthyn i’r Tîm Awtistiaeth Cenedlaethol, sy’n cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae’n un o’r adnoddau sy’n helpu’r Tîm i gyflawni eu nod i wella bywydau pobl awtistig yng Nghymru.

Toys R Us holding an Autism Friendly and additional needs exclusive shopping event

Every UK Toys R Us (TRU) store is holding an Autism Friendly and additional needs exclusive shopping event on Sunday 30 November 2014 from 9am until 11am.

To make this as comfortable as possible TRU promises “reduced fluorescent lighting, no loud music or tannoy announcements.” Additionally all staff will have been provided with some parent led autism awareness training.

Staff will also make sure there is quick efficient access to the tills when they open at 11am for payment (Sunday trading restrictions) or offer to hold trolleys until an appropriate time should customers wish to pop out and return to pay.

Toys R Us go on to add, “Of course everyone is welcome to come along just browse and play!”

With the festive season fast approaching this event looks like a great chance to enjoy some Christmas shopping with your children, and will exclusively be for parents with additional needs children.