Virtual Autism Team Wales – Resources

Virtual Autism Team Wales – Resource List 

Virtual Autism Team Wales have produced a compendium of resources during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Virtual Autism Team Wales has been set up to provide accurate, useful, and up-to-date information, advice, and guidance during the COVID-19 emergency to autistic people in Wales, parents and carers of autistic people and professionals. Via virtual meetings, the Group identifies key themes, information, advice, and guidance from a variety of sources. This is used to collate and disseminate information on the ‘most pressing’ issues in a user friendly and accessible way.

This document provides a list of the resources identified by the group. The list is categorised into the following categories: General Information, Transition, Virtual Assessments, Mental Health, Resources for Parents/ Carers, Resources for Autistic Adults, Wellbeing, Autistic Experiences.

Please click here to download the PDF document and access the full list of resources.