This website (previously ASDinfoWales) belongs to and is run by the National Autism Team, which is funded by Welsh Government. It is one of the resources which helps the Team achieve their aim to improve the lives of autistic people in Wales.

Virtual Autism Team Wales – Resources

Virtual Autism Team Wales – Resource List 

Virtual Autism Team Wales have produced a compendium of resources during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Virtual Autism Team Wales has been set up to provide accurate, useful, and up-to-date information, advice, and guidance during the COVID-19 emergency to autistic people in Wales, parents and carers of autistic people and professionals. Via virtual meetings, the Group identifies key themes, information, advice, and guidance from a variety of sources. This is used to collate and disseminate information on the ‘most pressing’ issues in a user friendly and accessible way.

This document provides a list of the resources identified by the group. The list is categorised into the following categories: General Information, Transition, Virtual Assessments, Mental Health, Resources for Parents/ Carers, Resources for Autistic Adults, Wellbeing, Autistic Experiences.

Please click here to download the PDF document and access the full list of resources.