Each child with ASD is different, and has a different set of strengths and difficulties. Each child has different interests and enjoys different activities. Things that one child may find calming may be distressing to another. Each child with autism will experience the core symptoms of autism, but the way in which they are affected will vary between children and change over time.

Because your child has individual strengths and needs it is useful to create a profile for your child. The profile can then be shared with anyone who supports your child, from medical staff to swimming instructors, so that they are aware of how best to interact with and support them.

Using a profile can help to avert difficulties, prevent misconceptions and ensure there is consistency in your child’s care.

You can create a child profile for free at www.AutismWales.org/en/parents-carers/information-for-an-autistic-child/child-personal-profile/ and print or save it to your computer, or you can create your own. A child profile should include:

  • Your child’s name
  • Emergency contact details
  • Details of your child specific difficulties, and how to support them (such as ‘I find it difficult to understand complex language, please use simple phrases’)
  • Details of activities your child enjoys
  • Details of things that make your child distressed
  • Details of ways to calm your child if distressed

If a child will be carrying the profile on their person, or sharing in many situations we urge you to consider whether it is safe to include a photograph of your child or not, as it may present a risk if the profile is misplaced.

An adult profile template, which may be more suitable for older adolescents, is also available at www.AutismWales.org/en/i-am-autistic/resources-for-you/adult-personal-profile/