Autism Code of Practice Podcast

Welcome to our Autism Code of Practice Podcast page. In this section, you will find each episode of our podcast, produced with Autistic UK, on the Code of Practice on the delivery of autism services.

This podcast was made to ensure that autistic people and those that care from them understand their rights under the code. It explores the development of the code, explains what the code says, and provides examples of how autistic people and those that care for them can use the code in their everyday life to advocate for their rights.

Click here to access the Code of Practice, and other related resources from Welsh Government.

Click on the Play button to watch an episode. To watch an episode in full screen, click the button.

Episode 1 – The Context of the Code

Episode 2 – Autism Assessment and Diagnosis

Episode 3 – Accessing Health
and Social Care Services

Episode 4 – Awareness Raising and Training on Autism

Episode 5 – Planning and Monitoring Services
and Stakeholder Engagement

Episode 6 – The Infastructure of the Code