Advice sheets for autistic adults

Advice Sheets for autistic adults

Welcome to our Advice sheets for autistic adults page. On this page you will find downloadable links to a range of advice sheets on a variety of topics.

These advice sheets have been co-produced with adults from a variety of backgrounds and ages across the autistic community in Wales.

This page will be updated on an ongoing basis with any new advice sheets that are produced.

These advice sheets are also available to view and download in Black and White further along down the page.

What made you begin to feel that you were autistic?
How did you feel once it was confirmed you were autistic?
Neurodiversity Defintions
Situational non-speaking

Advice Sheets in Black and White

What made you begin to feel that you were autistic? (Black and White)
How did you feel once it was confirmed you were autistic? (Black and White)
Neurodiversity Defintions (Black and White)
Masking (Black and White)
Situational non-speaking (Black and White)