Today we have launched: Positive About Working with Autism & Working with Autism Phone App

Positive About Working with Autism

A charter for employers to understand the benefits of employing individuals with autism and commit to being more positive about working with individuals with autism.

The scheme will be championed by the ASD Employment Ambassador for Wales, but any interested employers can sign the charter here:

They will be rewarded with a certificate and entered on our  positive about working with autism register, which can be found here:

Working with Autism Phone App

An app that interacts with the online scheme and provides supportive technology around matching jobs to skillsets and personal preferences.  The app also has an interview preparation calendar function to support the individual with autism to plan their job interview preparation. Further information about the app. can be found here:

These new resources compliment our existing tools for individuals with ASD (which include a skillset builder, job preference and requirement checklist and autism friendly CV builder) and our e-learning for professionals who support individuals with ASD into employment.

All resources can be found via