New resources to support individuals with ASD

We are pleased to let you know that we have launched some new resources on our website today.

These have been developed to support practitioners working with individuals with autism, their families and carers.  These developments form part of a wider improvement programme for professionals working across health, social care and education – which will be launched in full during 2016.

Firstly we have 2 interactive bilingual profile builders, one for children and the other for adults. Users will need to register before choosing options and preferences.  The website will then generate a personal profile which can be downloaded for print.

Follow these links to access the profile builders:

Secondly we have a range of bilingual picture cards which can be used to build picture planners for children both in and out of schools.  After items have been selected, picture planners can be downloaded as a PDF for use on a tablet or to print. 

Follow this link to access:

Finally, may we take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.