Following advice from NHS Wales and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board the Integrated Autism Service has made temporary changes to the service.

All groups, drop-ins and face to face appointments have been cancelled until further notice.

If you already have a diagnostic appointment booked with us we will ring you to gather additional information and invite you in for a further appointment once it is safe to do so.

We will continue to respond to telephone calls and emails between 9.00am and 4.30pm Monday to Thursday; 9.00am to 4pm Friday. We are able to provide a limited support service either virtually or via telephone/text or email, although this will be on a priority basis.

To contact the Integrated Autism Service please call 01633 644143 or email

Going forward our ability to deliver a service will change in line with government and local guidelines so we will post updates on our Facebook page and website.


Gwent IAS - Virtual Autism Advice Sessions Poster