CO came to the support service following her diagnosis just before the COVID-19 pandemic. She attended the post diagnostic course virtually and this was followed up with 1:1 work.
CO also started the Managing Time and Wellbeing Course but was unable to complete the course due to new work commitments.
Following an Outcome Star, completed at the end of the virtual post diagnosis course (VPDC), we identified several strengths but also areas for development. The use of exercise to improve both wellbeing and physical health was extremely beneficial for CO, as well as providing her with a much better insight into her autism – in particular, her sensory processing difficulties and the needs that result from this.
Support with managing and balancing time and activities was identified as an area for development. Although the course could not be completed due to new work commitments, CO noted improvements in this area.
The COVID-19 pandemic created difficulties in providing a traditional support package to CO, but this gave both sides the opportunity to be creative and use technology to develop a support package. The regular use of telephone and email as well as video calls meant that CO did not have to leave her home, which she identified could have been a barrier to her accessing some support services.