MX referred into North Wales IAS for support to improve his social confidence. MX was experiencing difficulties with understanding his autism in relation to his OCD and this would cause numerous arguments between him and his mother as they both had very different ideas and standards of what was clean and organised.
MX was realising that he had been coping with his issues for numerous years beforehand. His routine of completing certain tasks in a particular order was being noticed by others and until someone questioned why he did this in a certain way, it never really meant anything to MX.
The initial consultation/meeting was done over teams due to the Covid pandemic. This wasn’t ideal, but MX was ok with this.
When MX discussed his routines and rituals, the practitioner and MX decided to break this down into a flow chart and then a mind map of what this meant to MX and whether this could be looked at from a different perspective. MX felt more at ease knowing that the practitioner working with him was Autistic and that they understood his intentions and were able to think in a similar way about how MX’s approach to and thought process about tasks could be altered and whether the frequency was necessary.
MX was a pilot client that North Wales used a new software called “Inspiration” with. This software allows you to create a virtual mind map on the PC, just like you would in person on a piece of A4 or A3 paper. The advantages of the software are that you can add or remove colour and also redesign the document whilst having another copy open.
MX enjoyed his final mind map and felt it would be really useful for him in the future. MX and the practitioner worked together to break his difficulties down into 6 areas and then branched off these with solutions and ideas within the mind map that could help him to think about what actions he would need to take to resolve these difficulties.