Gwent IAS Post Diagnostic Course and Managing Time and Improving Wellbeing Course

Actions and outcomes

S was referred for one to one support following his diagnostic assessment. He lacked understanding of his diagnosis and what this would mean to him.


The IAS agreed that the best course of action would be for S to undertake the Post Diagnostic Course (PDC) as soon as possible.


After the course, S identified that his executive functioning would be a key are to work on and so he then completed the Managing Time and Improving Well-being Course.


Due to good availability, there was only a short gap between the 2 courses which enabled S to retain his knowledge from the PDC and enhance it further.


The IAS completed Outcome Stars at both the beginning of the work and at the end. The work was supported by reviews after each course, and some suggestions of how to implement the use of planners in the home and workplace.


“The groups were really useful, especially the PDC as it was better to actually meet other people. I feel like I have so much more understanding of myself now and I don’t feel so alone.

I wish that family members were able to do the carers course as I think it could help them to understand me more and create less conflict at home.

It has all made such a huge difference to my life, I wish that everyone could have the opportunity after their diagnosis as it really does help.”

Lessons Learned

S required very little input on a one-to-one level, his needs were almost entirely met through group interventions with a review at each stage on a one-to-one basis.


The work demonstrated that if the service user is willing, much of our work can be completed via group interventions rather than requiring a more time-consuming one-to-one approach.


Health Board:
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Integrated Autism Service:
Gwent IAS