Supporting a sixth form student

Actions and outcomes

HJ completed a referral form to the North Wales IAS. At the time, she was attending a mainstream school in the sixth form department. Unfortunately, this wasn’t suitable for HJ due to bullying and the stress of the curriculum.


HJ and her parents met with me at the “IAS Hub” and we discussed with the Careers Wales regional link worker a possible move to the Priory College, which is a special needs college.




After a few meetings and a report which indicated the support that I put in place and a written report to assist her application to the Priory, HJ’s application was successful and she was to start in January 2020. It is very difficult to obtain a place in the Priory College as the applicant requires substantial evidence to achieve a place, and this is then decided by the Welsh Government as they fund the college. HJ was very fortunate and is enjoying her time at the Priory.


HJ’s parent commented:


“Thanks for all your help and support with pointing us in the right direction, and thanks for all your help over the year.”

Lessons Learned

By taking the time, patience and assisting with written reports, great results will be achieved.


Health Board:
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
Local Authority:
Integrated Autism Service:
North Wales IAS